Alberghiamoci, a training workshop that fills the gap between education and the working world, is getting off the ground focusing on digital competences and inclusive mindset.
The Istituto Alberghiero in Cingoli presents the new course of study “Cultural and entertainment services” through Alberghiamoci, a new inclusive project designed to give the students the opportunity to acquire the competences required by the market and make them available to the local community.
Having regard of the Recommendation on key competences for lifelong learning adopted by the European Council in the 22th of february 2018 and of the Recommendation on the promotion of common values, an inclusive education and the European level of teaching, adopted in the same day, Alberghiamoci implements the given directions on the school of the future: a school in which transversal skills are integrated to produce a tangible value.
With this assumption, teachers coming from different education areas, have decided to invest in the creative workshop “Building by doing”. This project, already up-and-running in the Istituto Alberghiero, is addressed to students with special needs, with the aim to make them the main core of this small enterprise of knowledge and doing.
Many people, besides the students, are now embracing this project as a new learning adventure and are now working on it, giving their time, competences and tools to make it interesting and sustainable.
- Develops the “learning to learn” competence
- Promotes social and personal competencies essential for the citizen of the future
- Supports the right to an inclusive and life-long learning